" 100% Synthetic Super Lubricants, since 1969 "
Save your Vehicle with SynLube
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SynLube™ Lube‑4‑Life®
SAVES your car --
-- or whatever vehicle --
-- you own or operate.
Here is how & why:
- Eliminates Stiction (Static Friction)
- Colloidal particles prevent bearing surfaces from sticking to each other
- This eliminates start-up wear and provides for easy starting even in extremely low ambient temperatures
- Reduces Friction (Dynamic Friction)
- This makes engines run quieter, smoother and with more generated peak power, or alternately reduces fuel consumption.
- Under steady load conditions less friction heat is generated, so engines, transmissions and differentials run much cooler and last longer
- Seals Better (Dynamic
- The "Sol" structure (Solid Colloids in
Fluid) and UHVI (Ultra High Viscosity Index) provide
at operating temperatures much thicker and stronger lube film than
conventional oil (both Petroleum and Synthetic)
- This in turn provides better sealing so minor oil seepage is usually stopped or reduced
- There is also better sealing between piston rings and cylinder bore, this in turn reduces blow-by, increases power through higher effective compression, and reduces emissions
- The "Sol" structure (Solid Colloids in
Fluid) and UHVI (Ultra High Viscosity Index) provide
at operating temperatures much thicker and stronger lube film than
conventional oil (both Petroleum and Synthetic)
- Eliminates Corrosion (Chemically)
- The chemically inert base fluids and the Colloidal particles are chemically inert and stable in operating conditions from -50°F to +525°F. (-45°C to +275°C)
- Exclusive anti-oxidants and dispersant which are present in the
"Sol" are designed to adsorb free oxygen and
water molecules
- so that they are not available as precursors for other chemical reactions.
- Conventional oil (both Petroleum and Synthetic) becomes in long term
service acidic
- this in turn causes corrosion of metal surfaces
- Cools Better (Heat
- Any heat generated in bearing surfaces is conducted away better and
- this eliminates seizure or bearing damage even in extremely stressed machines operated under high loads in hot climates.
- Any heat generated in bearing surfaces is conducted away better and
- Burns Cleaner (Ash
- Once ignited in combustion process it generates emission levels up to 50% cleaner than Conventional oil (both Petroleum and Synthetic)
- No carbon deposits are formed on Valves, Pistons or in the combustion chamber.
To understand how all of above is possible, please read our SynLube MAGIC web page !
All SynLube™ Products are proudly "Made in USA "
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Copyright © 1996-2012 SynLube Incorporated
Last modified: September 30, 2012
Lube‑4‑Life® is a Registered Trademark of SynLube Incorporated

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